The goal of teaching acupuncture is to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the science and art of Acupuncture, Acupressure and related therapies. They are taught the concepts and theories behind the mechanism in which traditional and modern Acupuncture works. Various therapeutic modalities, such as Traditional Acupuncture, Scalp Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Acupuncture Anaesthesia, Reflexology, Zone Therapy, Acupressure are taught. Through this, the student is able to diagnose common diseases and disorders using diagnostic techniques employed in Acupuncture, like Tongue Diagnosis and Pulse Diagnosis.Thus the student is made to comprehensively understand traditional and modern approaches to Acupuncture and effectively utilise the same in preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative clinical practice as well as research projects.
Colour therapy and Magneto biology provides a comprehensive understanding of philosophy, science and modes of applications of colours and magnets in preventive, curative and rehabilitative therapy. It demonstrates the basic understanding of therapeutic uses of colours and magnets; bio-magnetism, electro-magnetism, properties of magnets, modes of application, etc. The subject also teaches the classification of colours, physics of light, electromagnetic spectrum, pathway of vision, human aura, chakras, heliotherapy, latest research and disease management.