Fasting Therapy and Dietetics provides a comprehensive knowledge of diet management and Fasting therapy and further utilisation of the same for therapeutic purposes. Historical highlights of fasting therapy through the centuries, including fasting employed in different religions; types of fasting (periodic fasting and intermittent fasting) according to duration purpose, type, etc; rules and regulations; contraindications and indications of fasting, various food combinations are taught. Special emphasis will be given to understand the scientific mechanisms of fasting therapy such as Autophagy Mechanism.
The goal of teaching Nutrition and Medicinal Herbs to students is to enable them to analyse nutritional profiles of their patients and prescribe diets to them based on nutritional requirements, as well as use herbs in the management of various diseases. They are also taught the nutritional requirements for different age groups, as well as pregnant and lactating women. The use of specific herbs in common diseases, with therapeutic values is also explained. The students are trained to assess the nutritional status of a patient; Plan, implement and evaluate nutritional advice for people of different ages and patients of different diseases, including the use of herbs.