The purpose of teaching Diagnostic Methods in Naturopathy is to provide a comprehensive knowledge of diagnostic methods employed by traditional Naturopaths without the use of sophisticated technology. The characteristics of a healthy Body with respect to Naturopathic Principles and the philosophical theories of causation of disease according to Naturopathy, theory of encumbrances, their types and interpretation are taught. Iris Diagnosis, its history, techniques, iris signs, interpretations and tools used, and use the same to diagnose diseases.Stool and urine diagnosis, correlating modern medical knowledge and the characteristics of normal and unhealthy skin, in different diseases is taught.
The goal of teaching Clinical Naturopathy is to provide well integrated clinical service in Naturopathy. The student is made to understand the basic principles of screening and prevention of disease; the concept of healing and disease crisis and management; pathogenesis of the disease in Naturopathy basis and preventive measures of the same. Practical training includes preparing a specific module of therapy for the patients with varied presentations. The students learn about evidence based approach in treating various diseases with Naturopathy and Yoga treatment modalities.
Yoga Therapy is focused to learn in detail about Yoga and the physiological effects of various yogic practices like asana, pranayama, shatkriyas, mudras, bandhas, meditation, relaxation techniques, yogic diet, yogic counselling and utilisation of the same for therapeutic purposes. Students are trained about the rules, contraindications and indications along with the therapeutic aspects of Yoga in different disease conditions. Thus the usage of therapeutic aspect of Yoga is emphasized in promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative therapy.
Research Methodology and Recent advances provides the latest updated scientific, knowledge in the field of Naturopathy and Yoga and introduces the students to research methodology. The subject includes materials and methods, design of a study, literature review, ethics, sampling, measurement tools, data organisation, statistics, data analysis, reliability and validity, etc, and implement this knowledge in practically designing, conducting, evaluating and publishing a study. Thus, the student is made to integrate knowledge of clinical Naturopathy and Yoga with skills in research methodology to conduct and publish research studies in the field, to improve the basis of Naturopathy and Yoga to an evidence-based science.