Naturopathy & Yoga medical education is a highly sought Indian System of Medicine. Many who aspire to be physicians of this mode of health care prefer to do so, because of its capability to make one think about health care not in a reductionist manner but as a broad multidimensional approach encompassing all faculties of human existence. A good physician must be skilled in understanding this approach and apply his/ her knowledge to the best interests of the patient’s health.
Maintenance of health across physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and social planes of being is a globally accepted concept for preventive and curative modes of disease management. Most of the disorders faced by mankind today have a mind-body or psychosomatic relevance playing in the progression of the disease process. It, therefore, becomes very essential to dissect and understand the various causative factors which may have led to the occurrence of the disease in the first place.
The world has witnessed a drastic rise in the number of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and chronic ailments like Hypertension, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, Musculoskeletal disorders, PCOD, Infertility, Anxiety & Depression. All these health conditions have a very strong mind-body connect and thus when treated along with evidence-based lines of management through Naturopathy & Yoga, have been found to give significant amounts of relief. It is perhaps the right time for everyone to realize the fact that “Health is wealth” and thereby practice and propagate the ways of healthy living for generations to come.